Total revenue from tourists of Vietnam (2006-2013)

01 Jan 2014

By: Admin


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Total revenue of Vietnam tourism industry in the period of 2006 – 2013 increased from 51 trillion VND in 2006 to 200 trillion VND  in 2013. The average growth rate achieved  28.1% in which the highest growth rate in 2006 (70%) and the lowest in 2008 (7.1%). Although growth rate of total income of Vietnam tourism industry  got the highest in 2006, but due to the Global Economic Crisis, the growth rate fell sharply in 2007 and 2008, tended to increase again starting in 2009 after several attempts to stimulus the  tourism industry. Total revenue from tourists has increased since 2009, but the growth rate has decreased in recent years.
Source: Vietnam National Administration of Tourism
Data consolidated by B&Company Vietnam

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