
01 Jul 2019
Social-economic situation in Hanoi (first 6 months of 2019)

GRDP of Hanoi in the first 6 months of 2019 was estimated at USD 15,280 million (~VND 355,408 billion), rose 7.21% compared with the same period in 2018. Among 3 main economic sectors, “industry & construction” sector ranked first in growth rate (8.38%), “commerce & service” sector came the second place with 6.66%, and “agriculture, forestry and fishing” had lowest growth rate (1.15%).
Industrial production index in the first 6 months of 2019 rose 7.3% compared to the same period last year. In which, the processing industry increased by 7.4%; electricity production & distribution rose 8% and water supply and garbage processing increased by 7.4%. On the other hand, the mining industry faced a huge decrease of 28.6%.
The total export value of the city reached USD 7201 million (~VND 167,495.26 billion) increased by 105.4% compared with the same period last year while the total import value was USD 15,758 million (~VND 366,531.08 billion), up 4.6%.
Investment capital of the city was estimated at USD 6.18 billion (~VND 143.7 trillion), up 12% over the first 6 months of 2018.
Local budget revenue is estimated at USD 6,580 million (~VND 132,134 billion), reaching 50.2% of the expected amount, up 12.8% over the same period of 2018. Meanwhile, local budget spending is roughly calculated at USD 1,454 million (~VND 33,818 billion), increased by 9.1%.
Exchange rate on 16/7/2019 (The State Bank of Vietnam): USD 1 = VND 23,260
Source: Hanoi Statistical Office

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01 Jul 2019
Social-economic situation in HCM City(first 6 months of 2019)

In the first 6 months of 2019, GRDP of Ho Chi Minh City reached USD 26,229 million (~VND 610,096 billion), increased 7.61% compared to the same period of 2018. In aforementioned 7.61%, “commerce & service” accounted for 4.79% and those of “industry & construction” and “agriculture, forestry & fisheries” were 1.54% and 0.04% respectively.
Industrial production index increased by 7% compared to the first 6 months of 2018. In particular, electricity production and distribution 8.7%, processing and manufacturing industry increased by 7.0% and water supply & waste treatment increased by 1.1%.
The total export value of city enterprises exported through the city port (including crude oil) in the first 6 months of 2019 was estimated at USD 18,027.6 million (~VND 442,581.976 billion), up 10.1% over the same period last year while the import value was USD 20.460,8 million (~VND 475,918.208 billion), increased 4.2%.
Regarding investment capital, the total amount was recorded at USD 8,578 million (~VND 199,536 billion), increased by 14.8% compared to the same period of 2018.
Meanwhile, local budget spending is roughly calculated at USD 1,017 million (~VND 23,673 billion), increased by 6.7%.
Exchange rate on 16/7/2019 (The State Bank of Vietnam): USD 1 = VND 23,260
Source: Ho Chi Minh City Statistical Office

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01 Jan 2017
Social-economic situation in HCM city in 2016

GRDP in HCM 2016
Estimated GRDP in Ho Chi Minh City reached 1,023,926 billion VND( real value). Total investment fund in 2016 reached 310,521 billion VND( = 100.13% target)( up 9.26% from 2015).
Total retail sale and service revenue in December 2016 reached 66,039.7 billion VND(up 9.2% from last month).
Generally, in 2016, total revenue reached 682,703 billion VND( up 9.1% from 2015)
Export and Import Value in HCM
Total export value in December 2016 reached 3,219.7 million USD( up 13% from last month).
In 2016, export value reached 31,799.8 million USD( up 5.2% from 2015).
Total import value in December 2016 reached 3,692 million USD( up 0.5% from last month).
Total import value in 2016 reached 37,856.9 million USD(up 12.4% from 2015)

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01 Jan 2017
Social-economic situation in Hanoi in 2016

GRDP in Hanoi 2016
Estimated Gross Regional Domestic Product(GRDP) in Hanoi increased 8.2% from 2016.
In 2016, Hanoi investment fund reached 277,950 billions VND (up 10% from 2015), of which government fund increase 15%, FDI fund increase 2.4%,
export value in December 2016 reached 928 million USD (up 3% from last month).
Export and Import Value in Hanoi 
Generally, in 2016 export value reached 10,613 million USD, in which regional export value reached 8,143 million USD.
Import value reach 24.833 million USD, in which regional import value reached 10,844 million USD

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01 Jul 2016
Value import and export in HCM( first 6 months 2016)

Total Value of Import and Export in Ho Chi Minh City
According to the HCM City Customs Department, total value of import and export turnover in Ho Chi Minh’s check point in the first 6 months of 2016 reached US $ 39.771 billion vnd, an increase of more than US $ 3.4 billion (9.47%) compared to the same period in 2015.
Comparison with 2015
In particular,
import turnover reached US $ 21.152 billion, up 8.63%,
export turnover reached US $ 18.619 billion, up 10.45%,
compared to the same period in 2015.
Tax Revenue in Ho Chi Minh City
With the rising turnover of imported and exported commodities,
import and export tax revenues of  HCM City Customs Department in June, up 5.77%, reached VND 9,350.912 billion vnd.
Accumulating to June 28, total revenues of HCM city Customs Department  were VND 47,444.131 billion vnd, reached  46.29% compared to plan targets VND 102,500 billion vnd ( reached 105.46% compared to the same period in 2015).

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01 Jul 2015
Evaluation of key performance criteria in Hanoi (first 6 months of 2015)


In first half of 2015, the gross regional domestic product of Hanoi reached VND 187,879 billion, increased by 7.8% compared to that of 2014. Among 3 main economic sectors, service sector ranked first in growth rate (8.3%), industry and construction sector came the second place with 7.6%, and agriculture, forestry and fishing had lowest growth rate (2.8%).
In terms of production activities: Industrial production index increased by 6.8% compared to that of 2014, revenue from services reached VND 887,770 billion, increase by 10% compared to that of 2014. Revenue from transportation was recorded at VND 33,258 billion, increased by 13.2% compared to the same period of 2014.
Regarding international trade, total export value was USD 5,306 million, decreased by 1.2% compared to that of 2014, while the figure for import was USD 11,814 million, increased by 2.1%.
Regarding investment capital, the total amount was recorded at VND 136, 965 billion, increased by 10.4% compared to 2014 though the amount of foreign direct investment capital was on the downward trend.
Both revenue and spending of local authority increased by same rate of 13.2% compared to 2014. How ever, the period of 6 months of 2015 witnessed a significant decrease in revenue from crude oil (45% decrease compared to 2014).
Source: Hanoi Statistical Office
Data consolidated by B&Company Vietnam

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01 Jul 2014
Results of implementation of several important items after first 6 months in Ho Chi Minh city


In the 2nd quarter of 2014, economy in Ho Chi Minh city continues to grow, especially construction industry propers considerably. Commerce & service has no remarkable change but rises stably. Real estate has recovered to some extent especially in segmentation of low-price apartment block which is evaluated as to be potentially  vigorous.
GDP this quarter is 8.7 % which was 7.7% last quarter.  In general GDP after first 6 months of 2014 is 8.2% higher than the same period last year (which is 7.9%). Industrial production reaches 5.6% (same period last year it was 5.2%). Total investment capital stands at  60.134 billion VND, rises 3.2% (same period last year it was 3.1%). Except for crude oil, export increases 5.7% compared to same period last year. Foreign investment of newly registered projects reach 794 million USD. Total revenues of retail and service increases 12.8%. National budget income is 14.9% higher than the same period last year meanwhile national budget spending rises 3.9% (last year – 10%)
Source: HCMC Statistics Office

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01 Jul 2014
Export value in Ho Chi Minh by type of ownership (May, 2014)


In May 2014, Ho Chi Minh City exported a value of USD 1,835.5 million, divided equally into foreign investment sector and domestic sector. In the latter sector, non-state business exported USD 746.7 million, accounting for 41% of the city’s export value. Despite the limited share of only 10%, state sector’s export value grew by 70% in one month.
Although there was a little decrease in export value in comparison with April, in the first 5 months of 2014, the export value showed a slight increase when comparing with the same period last year (by 5.7%). Specially, again, state sector’ export showed the surge in value, by 60%.

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01 Jul 2014
GDP of Ho Chi Minh city in first 6 months of 2014


GDP of Ho Chi Minh city in the first 6 months this year is estimated at about 378.915 billion VND ( at current price), it has risen 8.2% compared with the same period in 2013 which was 7.9% and 8.1% in 2013 and 1012 respectively.
In aforementioned 8.2%, commerce & service accounted for 5.54% and those of  industry & construction and agriculture, forestry & fisheries were 2.64% and 0.05% respectively.
– GDP at current price of agriculture, forestry & fisheries  was 3.250 billion VND, taking up 0.9% of GDP and has gained 6% increase. Meanwhile, agricultural production value reached 4106.8 billion VND (at current price), which made it rise 4.1% compared with the same period last year; planting took up 34.2%, 4% increase; cattle breeding accounted for 56.3%, 4 increase. Production value of forestry was estimated to be 96.6 billion VND (at current price), increasing 54.6% compared with the same period last year, in which mining activities increased 68.9%. Fisheries’ value reached 2116.3 billion VND (at current price), rising 9.1 compared with same period last year.  In fisheries, aquaculture value was 1563.3 billion VND , 14.9% increase; fisheries exploitation was 534.5 billion VND, 6.4% fall.
-At current price, GDP of industry & construction reached 150,652 billion VND, accounting for 39.8% of GDP, 6.4 increase. Specifically, industry took up 35.3%, increasing 6.6%; construction ‘s proportion was 4.4%, increasing 5.1%. Generally speaking, industrial production indicator rose 5.6% compared to the same period last year. Further specifically, there was a slight change in mining industry (0.4%); processing industry increased 5.6%; electricity production & distribution rose 5.7%; water supply and garbage processing increased 7.2%.
-In commerce & service, GDP at current price reach 225,013 billion VND, accounting for 59.4% of total GDP, increasing 9.6%. Specifically,  increase rates of business, hotel & restaurants and logistic & storage were 11.1%, 10.8% and 12.6% respectively.
Source: Statistical office in Ho Chi Minh city

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01 Jan 2013
Number of markets by class and by province (2008-2012)


In 2012, Vietnam had 8,547 markets. Most of them are Class 3 markets (capacity of fewer than 200 stalls). Although accounting for the least part in number, Class 1 markets (capacity of more than 400 stalls) increased gradually in quantity from 2008 to 2012. In Vietnam, North Central and Central coastal areas took up the most markets in Vietnam (28.8%). Located in this area, Thanh Hoa came first in number of markets with 455 ones in 2012 (grew by 12% in comparision with 2011).
Source: General statistic office

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