Telecommunications revenue 2008 – 2013

01 Jan 2014

By: Admin


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Telecommunications in the period 2008 – 2013 had the volatility in revenue. After years of continuous growth, revenue fell into decline period in 2011 due to the impact of the economic downturn, while revenue from mobile services decreased from 5.7 billion to 5.4 billion. Although sales rebounded in 2012 but in 2013, due to the strong development of OTT services and the policy issued to tighten management of charges and prepaid mobile subscribers, the telecom sector, internet had many changes.
The revenue of mobile services decreased, leading to the  telecommunication revenue in 2013 was only $ 7.4 billion, decreased nearly 26% compared with 2012, while both fixed telephone services and internet services revenue increased, particularly  internet services doubled income compared to .
In period of 2008 -2009, fixed telephone services still accounted for a large proportion of the industry’s structure, but since 2009, when consuming trend shifted from landline to mobile, fixed telephone service revenue plummeted . With the efforts of enterprises in utility and infrastructure development to meet the needs of users, fixed telephone service revenues is growing back despite of the lower growth rate.
Particularly, internet market has developed strongly in recent years, however, despite the large number of customers, internet service revenue has no increase in revenue. Only untill 2013, due to the explosion of OTT services and content innovation, internet services revenue has more than doubled compared to 2012.
Source: Vietnam White Book 213, ICT Press
Data consolidated by B&Company Vietnam

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