Total export, import value of Vietnam (1996-2013)

01 Jan 2014

By: Admin


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Total export – import of Vietnam during 1996-2013 increased 14 times from $ 13.4 million to $ 264.066 million USD. Since 2007, the total import – export value reached over $ 100 million. The highest growth rate is in 2007 (up 31% y-o-y) and the lowest is  in 2009 (down 11.4% y-o-y).
In the period of 1996 – 2013, the export value of Vietnam increased from $ 7.3 million to $ 132 million (up 18 times) while import value increased from $ 11 million to $ 132 million (up 11 times), in which export achieved the highest growth rate in 2004 (31%) while import’s one was in 2007 (39%).
The value of import in the period of 1996 – 2013 is generally higher than the value of export. The biggest difference was in 2008 ($ 18 million), particularly in 2012 export value exceed import’s by  $ 0.74 million, to 2013, the value of export and import are the same.
Source: Vietnam Customs
Data consolidated by B&Company Vietnam

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